Friday, April 16, 2010

Good friday procession at moothakara st.peters church

Like any other feasts and celebrations, our Holy Week and Good Friday also has more specialty than any other church around Quilon. The most important thing should specify is the holy statue at the Good Friday procession. This religious statue is completely made up of wood, and has all the moving joints like human body. The hands, legs, knees and even neck can be rotated like our own body parts. Can turn the head left or right or tilt the face front or to the sides, that much brilliant sculpture. Sculptures used some kind of hard clothes and other materials to make the holy statue looks similar to a human body. This is a must see architecture, and all wonder how they built this statue several hundred years back. I got an opportunity to see this wonder only two years back, and I was really scared to hold the statue in my hands. I have included some snaps for you.

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